Paula McDonald Design Build & Interiors
Luxury Design Build Firm in New York City
A Full Service Approach to Design Build Renovations
Apartment Renovations Co-Ops Condos Townhouses Prewar Landmarks
Paula McDonald Design Build & Interiors is a full-service luxury design-build firm with a broad range of services and expertise to guide your project from concept to completion. This includes design, architectural plans and filing, expediting, sourcing, supply, project management and construction as the General Contractor. From modern to traditional apartment renovations, pre war gut renovations, estate condition Co-op remodels and beyond, we are committed to excellence in every aspect of your project. With over 20 years of experience in NYC’s highly regulated design-build industry, and pre-war architecture in nyc, we know how to anticipate and navigate any foreseeable issues throughout the renovation process.
Design Build Services
Design Build
Paula McDonald's Design Build & Interiorsintegrated design build approach covers all aspects of your project; from budget planning, to expediting filing approvals, to project management, and more.
Explore the design aesthetic and functional possibilities for your nyc residential construction project with Paula McDonald Design Build & Interiors' expertise. From home remodeling, to residential apartment renovations and gut renovations in nyc, timeless and luxurious designs await.
Project Videos
Terrace - 5 Riverside Drive, NYC
View VideoAbout Paula McDonald Design Build & Interiors
View VideoSneakpeek of 1-Bedroom Prewar Apartment
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